Sunday, December 8, 2024

Birthday in December

Hi everyone, 

Today it’s my turn to inspire you over at the Copic Marker Norge Christmas calendar again. Be sure to pop over and take a look while enjoying some pretty Christmas music while you look at all the amazing cards the other DT members have made so far.

My son is turning 8 years today and Stich is a big favorite these days. So I tried to draw him as best I could using a reference picture to look at. 

I colored him with my Copic and these are the colors I used: 

Dark blue: B39, 97, 24, 23,21
Light blue: B05, 14, 12, 02, 01, 000
Ears: R22, 20, 00, YR000 and BV 02 for shadows 
Tracksuit: T7, T5, T3, W1, W0 and R24, 22, 20
Headset: C9, C7, C5, C3
Ground:W3,W1, W0

I hope both him and you liked my card even I my drawing skills aren’t the best. But I had lots of fun challenging myself and I’m pretty happy with how he turned out. 

I`m playing along at:

Thank you for stopping by, 

Christine 🎄


  1. You are quite the artist - your Stitch is very fun! Thanks for joining in at TMR

  2. Thank you for sharing your creation with us at The Male Room -
